
Privacy Policy...

Privacy Policy

The terms of our Privacy Policy shall govern any and all dealings between You (the Customer) and Us (Zumada Limited). We agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy in order to ensure that you, as a buyer, can deal with us with confidence.

1) How we use your data

We reserve the right to use any of the information you give us in order to promote our products to you.

We will usually contact you by sending an email so that we can bring products and services to your attention that you may be interested in.

Under no circumstances will we send you junk email or spam.

If we send you a marketing email, you will be able to opt out of future marketing emails by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link within the email. It’s not possible to unsubscribe from system/automated emails.

2) Third Party Involvement

We will never divulge the personal information you provide us with to third parties, unless required to do so by the law of the United Kingdom or a court order made by the judiciary of England and Wales.

The information you provide us with will be used by us to keep in touch with you about our products and will never be given to any other individual, business or company.

We reserve the right to inform the WHMCS Limited Piracy Department of any unlicensed WHMCS domains. In this situation, we will provide WHMCS Limited with the URL of where the unlicensed software is installed, but we will not provide WHMCS Limited with any of your personal details, unless we are required to do so by law or court order.

3)Retainment of Data

For reasons relating to accounting and taxation, we are required by law to retain data about you and your purchase history for a minimum period of 10 years.

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